ECTP Newsletter 26.04.24

Sessions co-organised by ECTP at TRA2024

The 2024 Edition of Transport Research Arena (TRA2024) was held in Dublin, Ireland from 15 to 18 April under the theme "Transport Transitions:…

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EU Building Stock Observatory gets a major upgrade

The EU Building Stock Observatory (BSO) has undergone its most substantial upgrade since its inception in 2016, with the new version launched last…

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Support service for Citizen-led renovation – open call for participants

The support service for Citizen-led renovation initiative aims to empower energy communities and put citizens in the driving-seat for energy…

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Publication of Life Calls 2024

The LIFE Calls for proposals 2024 have been published on the Funding & tender opportunities portal on 18 April 2024.  

The submission deadlines for…

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Feedback opportunity for Horizon Europe work programme 2025

The European Commission has launched surveys to offer the opportunity to contribute to the development of the Horizon Europe work programme 2025. …

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EBC launches messages for EU legislature 2024-2029 to empowered construction SMEs

The European Builders Confederation (EBC) is the European umbrella organisation representing national associations of crafts, micro, and small and…

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EC Report on Decarbonisation of the Transport Infrastructure

Within the Connecting Europe Days held in Brussels on April 3, 2024, the European Commission DG MOVE presented the Joint Final Report from the Working…

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Introduction to this issue

This newsletter contains a selection of information dedicated to Research & Innovation for the Construction & Built Environment sector. Access all the news published on ECTP website here.

ECTP Secretariat


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