Our aims



Driving innovation and change through research. To help create a better future for the Built Environment industry in Europe.

The main mission of ECTP and its committees is to develop new R&D&I strategies to improve competitiveness, meet societal needs & take up environmental challenges through an Innovative Built Environment.

ECTP recognises the need for research to make strategic decisions today and to future proof industry for tomorrow. We use our strategic research agenda to determine the challenges and issues facing the Built Environment in Europe, helping to lead the way to industry growth and a more sustainable future.

Through major programmes launched in partnership with the European Commission and/or other sectors, we are able to tackle the societal challenges and industrial leadership ambitions of the European Union, and meet the Horizon 2020 agenda.

Informing and influencing Research and Innovation investment in Europe.

ECTP facilitates research on current challenges and foresight for the future. Through engagement with stakeholders and members we are able to influence and respond to the research agenda of the European Commission, on behalf of the Built Environment sector.

Our experience together with the Research Roadmaps and Strategic Research Agendas facilitated by ECTP are used to inform and engage with the European Commission. Our influence extends to their research agenda and we are able to help shape the path of research and demonstrate the value of Built Environment research to the European economy.

Supporting collaboration and helping mobilise expertise in the Built Environment.

ECTP research has been used to find solutions to problems and spark innovative ideas. Recognising that to do this, industry has to work together, ECTP encourages collaboration between partner organisations and drives competition in industry.

Using workshops, seminars and conferences we bring people together. By providing an opportunity to network with one another ECTP is able to facilitate research and enable collaborative problem solving. We want to represent our membership and stakeholders in the work we facilitate and form visions for the future based on the views of industry.