2021 Annual RHC event, 28 October 2021 (online)
The European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating & Cooling (RHC-ETIP) brings together stakeholders from the biomass, geothermal, solar thermal, heat pump and district heating and cooling and thermal storage sectors to define a common strategy for increasing the use of renewable energy technologies for heating and cooling.
Building on the experience matured since 2005 within the European Solar Thermal Technology Platform (ESTTP), now incorporated in the RHC-Platform, six major European organisations – EUREC, Bioenergy Europe (formerly known as AEBIOM), EGEC, Solar Heat Europe (formerly known as ESTIF), Euroheat & Power and EHPA – are leading the process towards the definition of a joint Vision and Strategic Research Agenda for the renewable heating and cooling sector.
The 2021 Annual RHC event will be held online 28 October 2021.
More information and registration here.