An Introduction to GEOLAB’s Geotechnical Research Facilities and How to Apply for Access, 23 June 2021 (webinar)
GEOLAB is an European network of renowned institutes bringing together six geo-centrifuges and six other large research facilities: a geo-model container, a pile foundation test pit, a static liquefaction tank, a railway track simulator, a large-scale triaxial apparatus and a set of field test sites. The project is funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme. The overarching aim of GEOLAB is perform ground-breaking research & innovation that enhances the resilience of Europe’s Critical Infrastructure.
GEOLAB has just launched its First Call for Proposals to potential users among academia, SME and industry to gain access to excellent research facilities in the fields of geotechnical and environmental engineering. This so-called Transnational Access is free of charge and includes technical & scientific support from the hosting facility.
This can be of high interest to the members of ECTP, offering the opportunity to test and validate innovative solutions for infrastructure and ageing, since the ECTP Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda 2021-2027 was one of the focal points during development of the proposal.
In the upcoming webinar, An Introduction to GEOLAB’s Geotechnical Research Facilities and How to Apply for Access, the project partners will present GEOLAB’s research infrastructures and the call for proposals mechanisms. The event will take place on June 23rd at 10 AM CET.
To register, please click on the link below:
Meeting Registration - Zoom
Find out more about the project and call for proposals at: