Event Detail


EUROBRIDGE Event, 14 April 2023, Brussels

This conference, taking place on 14 April 2023 at Le Plaza Hotel in Brussels, is about bridge maintenance and safety in Europe and aims to put forward issues around engineering work maintenance in the respect of environment, and with an eye on the decrease of carbon footprint, as well as the training of new professionals in the sector.

With keynote speeches by Christian Tridon (FIEC) and Philip Crampton (FIEC President), Sandra Freeman (Journalist) and MEP Dominique Riquet (member of the EP Transport Committee), the event is organised in 3 Roundtables: inspection and management, the environmental impacts of bridges and new professions for bridge management.
Bridges are essential elements of communication routes, whether road or rail. It is essential to keep them in good working state. The maintenance of a bridge always starts with the perfect knowledge of its condition. The diagnosis allows to establish the corrective measures. The monitoring and management methods are diverse. The conference will present a selection of original examples implemented in some European countries, and will table a debate covering also policies related to the EU Green Deal, carbon neutrality, the reconstruction, etc.

More information about the programme and registration form available here.