Event Detail


Ontology Commons addressing challenges of the Industry 5.0 transition, 2-5 November 2021 (online workshop)

The Industry 5.0 is a great opportunity for the European industrial future to have better data quality and cooperation of scientific and research infrastructures with industrial players.

To achieve this goal it will be necessary to strengthen the interoperability of industrial solutions through the establishment of common semantic basis in different domains (e.g. materials and manufacturing) that supports the improvements of digital interactions, collaborations, co-innovation, re-use and valorisation of data.  

The Ontology Commons addressing challenges of the Industry 5.0 transition global workshop, organised within the OntoCommons.eu project, aims to support different types of stakeholders to provide their input on the future of standardised data documentation.

This virtual workshop will offer you a platform to contribute to the content of the OntoCommons Roadmap (policy recommendations towards data sharing in the European Single Market) through open, topic-based discussions.

Join this event to:

  • Learn more about the main objectives of the OntoCommons project;
  • Discover the latest studies in the ontology and industrial fields;
  • Interact directly with the project members and experts in the area.

The detailed event agenda and registration details will be published at: https://ontocommons.eu/news-events/events/global-workshop-ontology-commons-addressing-challenges-industry-50-transition