Event Detail


Renovation Summit, 16-17 November, Brussels (BE)

The second edition of the Renovation Summit is organised by the European Affordable Housing Consortium: Sustainable Housing for Social Impact (SHAPE-EU), Housing Europe, ECTP and Eurocities, on November 16 and 17 in the European Committee of the Regions.

Tenants, residents, social and affordable housing providers, and cities faced the impact of the coronavirus, have been welcoming Ukrainians fleeing their countries, and paying incredibly high energy bills and construction materials. What can be done collectively?
How is the public, cooperative, and social housing sector riding the Renovation Wave?

The organisers will take care of bringing these questions and answers to the surface in a two-day event arranged in partnership with  the European Committee of the Regions and  the House of Dutch Provinces.

Discover the programme and save your seat for free here: https://shape-affordablehousing.eu/event/