Event Detail


Smart buildings and the Smart Readiness Indicator: EU status update and next steps in Finland, 22 November 2022, Espoo (FI)

The SmartBuilt4EU project is pleased to invite you to its next regional workshop "Smart buildings and the Smart Readiness Indicator: EU status update and next steps in Finland" on November 22 from 9:30 to 16:00.
The meeting will take place at: VTT FutureHub, Tekniikantie 21, 02150 Espoo, Finland

This workshop will first propose a status update on the testing and implementation of the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) across Europe, with an outline of the supporting framework and activities provided by the SmartBuilt4EU project. Two EU funded projects on the topic of Smart Buildings will then be presented. The morning session will be followed by a networking lunch.
In the afternoon, the next steps of the implementation of the SRI will be discussed, with a focus on the testing phase starting in Finland. Four regional projects related to Smart Buildings will also present their activities.

Registration HERE before 15/11/22.