Workshop "From the Materials2030Manifesto towards a Strategic Agenda", 11 January 2023 (online)
The workshop “From the Materials2030Manifesto towards a Strategic Agenda for advanced materials”, organised by the European Commission, will take place on 11 January from 10:00 to 15:00.
The connection link will be via Webex. Find here the instruction on how to join.
Find here the tentative agenda of the session.
During the last meeting of the Expert Group on Advanced Materials on 5 October 2022, it was agreed that there is a need to get more insights on ongoing work of the Advanced Materials Initiative (AMI) and their plans towards the development of a Strategic Agenda for advanced materials.
Therefore, the aim of this half-day workshop is to present the AMI work and gain support from national stakeholders for the challenges, objectives, and actions of the strategic agenda.
For background information, please see the Materials 2030 Roadmap published on the AMI2030 website.