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DEMO Consultants BV is joining ECTP

ECTP has the pleasure to welcome a fourth Applicant organisation since last June, which membership will be formally endorsed by the next ECTP General Assembly in 2022.

DEMO Consultants is an independent consultancy (SME) specialized in Real Estate Information Management. Their USP is the combination of consultancy, software, and research.

DEMO produces innovative software products, such as the Real Estate Suite. Expert systems with user friendly apps, dashboards, and other practical features. Software for the development and management of buildings and civil infrastructure. The Real Estate Suite comprises BIM, GIS, IoT, big data, VR/AR, and Artificial intelligence technologies. DEMO employees are trained as building engineers, real estate specialists, researchers, and IT specialists. This expertise, extensive experience and an eye for current market developments ensures that DEMO offers its customers innovative and result-oriented solutions.

DEMO helps its customers by developing and delivering services and systems that consistently answer various real estate questions from various users at the right time, in the right place, and in an understandable manner at the lowest possible cost.

More information at

Source: ECTP Secretariat