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Energy-SHIFTS database of European experts in energy policies

The H2020 project Energy-SHIFTS (Energy Social sciences & Humanities Innovation Forum Targeting the SET-Plan), coordinated by the Anglia Ruskin University (UK), started in April 2019. It will contribute to a European Energy Union that places societal needs centrally, by further developing Europe’s leadership in using and applying energy-related Social Sciences and Humanities (energy-SSH).

For the partners of this project, successfully decarbonising Europe’s economy requires considering the human dimension all steps of the way. Having this better reflected in EU policymaking is therefore crucial. Energy-SHIFTS offers to bridge this often-missing connection and creates greater visibility for energy-related policyworkers to SSH researchers.

The Energy-SHIFTS partners have launched a policy workers database, freely accessible to all (live in Summer 2019). It has been created to link energy policy workers with researchers in energy-related social sciences and humanities (SSH). By bridging this gap, the database will enable to better integrate human aspects to energy transition. The database will aim to include more than 500 policyworkers across Europe and builds on the success of the SHAPE ENERGY project database that already gathers more than 750 researchers in energy SSH fields across Europe.

As a policy worker, registering to the database means the chance to use cutting edge energy-SSH research better inform your policy work as well as the possibility to increase the policy relevance of researchers’ work. It can also be used as a policyworker’s networking tool since the database maps other policyworkers in your field across Europe for you to identify and connect with.

You can register using this link, which also includes more detailed information about the project and the benefits of registering. The process only takes a few minutes.

Source: TECNALIA, Energy-SHIFTS Consortium