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Evaluating the social impact of retrofitting technologies (survey open until April 1)

The INFINITE project is launching a survey to assess the social impacts of retrofitting technologies in the building renovation value chain.

New generation retrofit technologies combine off-site prefabrication, multi-functional building envelope elements and digitalisation. Help the project consortium understand whether these technologies can improve the social performance of renovation activities compared to traditional technologies. They are looking for professionals who work in the building renovation value chain (technology manufacturer and installers, designers, researchers, sustainability specialists, investors, facility mangers…). To cover the overall life cycle of the products, the survey is evaluating their impact for different stakeholders (residents, workers, suppliers, local communities) and in different phases of the renovation (manufacturing, installation, operation, maintenance of technologies).

The survey lasts approximately 20 minutes and is open until the 1st of April 2022.

Take the survey here.

Source: Eurac Research, project coordinator