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How AI and emerging digital technologies will influence the future of the energy management sector in the built environment

Ruth Kerrigan (IES) and Isabel Pinto-Seppä (VTT) attended on behalf of ECTP the Manufuture Conference 2019 taking place on 1st of October in Helsinki.

IES, an SME with some products already incorporating AI, represented the EeB PPP and focus the presentation on the challenges and opportunities of AI.

IES is a key ECTP actor very active in Digital technologies and AI.  They have been developing tools for data collection and analysis and how they are integrating AI with physics-based modelling to demonstrate a hybrid approach (best of both worlds where this is minimal data and minimal building information and vice versa) for building management in real time – and based on this, introduces to future R&I needs.

You can access IES presentation here.

The contribution of ECTP and the EeB cPPP to the EC coordinated plan on Artificial Intelligence is available here.

Source: ECTP Secretariat