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IDONIAL is joining ECTP

ECTP has the pleasure to welcome a fifth Applicant organisation since last June, IDONIAL, which membership will be formally endorsed during the ECTP General Assembly held in 2022.

IDONIAL is a private, independent, non-profit, multisectorial technology centre created as the result of a merging process of two Technology Centers, ITMA (Materials Technology Center, funded in 1990) and PRODINTEC (Industrial Design and Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center, funded in 2004). It is the largest Technology Centre in the region of Asturias and contributes to the promotion and development of the business fabric in its areas of technological specialization offering integral R&D&I solutions in the entire value chain, from materials to manufacturing processes and products. The center now has over 165 employees working at IDONIAL (19% PhDs).

IDONIAL main technological development and innovation activities deal with advanced manufacturing, digitalisation of industry and materials development and are addressed by 7 business areas: Digital industry, advanced manufacturing, engineering and simulation, steel and metallic alloys, ceramics and raw materials, surfaces, active materials and plastics, and technological services.

The centre has a specific department named Business Development and Strategy for designing the business strategy and carrying out technology transfer and marketing activities and, hence, it possesses a wide experience in developing networking activities and dissemination actions.

IDONIAL has wide experience in European research programmes as, for instance, H2020, FP, EUREKA, Era-Nets and INTERREG where it works in close collaboration with industrial partners, research institutes and public administration around Europe. Moreover, the centre actively participates in several European Technology Platforms and belongs to the governing bodies of the Additive Manufacturing-AM-Platform (Deputy coordinator and National & Regional Working Working Group Chair; Public Relations) and Nanotechnology innovation-NANOfutures ones (platform co-Chair).

More information at

Source: ECTP Secretariat