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IM-SAFE deliverables available to be shared!

The main objectives of IM-SAFE are to prepare new standards in monitoring, maintenance and safety of transport infrastructure. And secondly to coordinate and accelerate the process for enabling public authorities and supply-chain stakeholders in transport infrastructure to commit to the development and adoption of the new standards.

The IM-SAFE project has published two reports and an online best practice guide in November 2021.

The report "Actual and future context of transport infrastructure monitoring and maintenance" provides an extensive overview of how European infrastructures, more specifically tunnels and bridges, are ageing. Through a brief explanation of the needs for research and standardization in Europe a description of the methods and approach is proposed that will significantly increase the resilience of inland transport infrastructure by reducing risk vulnerability and strengthening network systems to sudden extreme events, such as climate hazards and man-made events.

The second published report "Recommendations to remove the PEST barriers and prioritization of risk management areas taking the lessons from recent infrastructure failures" focuses on analyzing the political, economic, social, and technical (PEST) barriers for adequate monitoring, safe operation and optimal maintenance of bridges and other relevant transport infrastructure assets. The report also focuses on establishing the connection between these barriers and the limitations/gaps in the existing EU monitoring standards and the national implementation.

The online best practice guide aims to provide a concise summary and overview of the process, knowledge model and information collected and developed within the Semantic Wiki.

The reports and online best practice guide are now available via the project website here!

Source: CROW, IM-SAFE Consortium