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METABUILDING LABS has issued its first Press Release

With the intention to reach the Paris Climate Agreement (COP21) goal of “nearly-zero energy, zero emission buildings”, METABUILDING LABS (G.A. Nº 953193), a new five-year Horizon 2020 EU-funded Innovation project, features a large consortium of 40 partners from 13 European countries that join forces to provide European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the Construction sector with easy access to a wide network of testing facilities allowing them to develop and test innovative building envelope solutions.

METABUILDING LABS reaches out to SMEs and other actors of the construction sector and provides them with access to Open Innovation Testbeds (OITB) as part of a wider innovation support ecosystem, which will be of high value and tailored to their needs. SMEs also form part of the project consortium to collaborate in the specification and development of the OITB and its services and to “test drive” their own innovations. The OITB will help to accelerate SME innovation and allow them to be more competitive against big industry players.

The main idea behind the metaclustering concept is to maximize collaborative work and sharing resources among clusters, thus ensuring an outreach to up to 30.000 SMEs from all European regions through 12 Metaclusters in the above-mentioned countries, that will interconnect up to 180 existing European Clusters.

Access more information in the full text of the MBLabs Press Release N°1.

Source: METABUILDING LABS Consortium,