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METABUILDING LABS Workshop: "Building a common framework for OITBs to make the most of standardisation", 1 October 2021 - Save the date & register!

This workshop will be organized by the Spanish Association for Standardisation, UNE, on 1st October 2021 from 10:00 to 12:00 CET online via Teams.


If you are participating in an Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB), come and join to share common experiences and knowledge of the use of standardisation to support, impulse and scale up the objectives of the R&D projects.

Standardisation is one of the best ways to ensure the consistency of your innovative product or service as you scale and grow into different markets. This can help accelerate market entry while clearly communicating what your customers can expect from you.

The Open Innovation Test Beds INNOMEN, FormPlanet, INNPRESSME, BIOMAT and OASIS have liaised with the aim of coordinating the approach to standardisation in the different OITBs running at this moment. The standardisation activities of all these OITBs are coordinated by UNE, the Spanish member of CEN and CENELEC.

In this event you will have the chance of knowing first hand the standardisation and the European Standardisation system and how to take advantage of standardisation on R&D projects. A framework to define a strategy to approach to standardisation will be shown, and some illustrative use cases that might inspire you.


Source: METABUILDING LABS Consortium