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SHAPE-EU. Affordable Housing Initiative Bootcamp in Vienna - Registration open

The European Affordable Housing Consortium, SHAPE-EU, presents the Affordable Housing Initiative Bootcamp in Vienna:
Learn how to develop "Lighthouse Districts" renovation projects with your peers. Experienced housing professionals and other experts will present their concluded innovative solutions and insights to their peers.

The twin challenge of energy efficiency and affordability is explicit in the EU Green Deal, where the European Commission (EC) included a “Renovation Wave” to double the annual energy renovation rate of residential and non-residential buildings. The plan is to intervene in over 35 million building units until 2030. The Affordable Housing Initiative (AHI), part of the Renovation Wave, aims to pilot 100 district renovation projects in affordable housing to act as a Lighthouse Projects to guide and show the way to other renovation projects across Europe by tapping into existing best practices, setting liveability and affordability at the forefront.

On September 18 and 19, Housing Europe is organising a two-day ‘Lighthouse District’ approach Bootcamp in the context of the European Affordable Housing Consortium, SHAPE-EU. This is a special event concept based on peer-to-peer exchanges, which in essence will work as an intensive training, driven by good practices in district renovation. Lighthouse districts are renovation projects at the district scale that follow an integrated approach, that can include technological innovation, people centred models or experimental co-creation and engagement practices.

As part of the Bootcamp, experienced professionals will explain how they planned and carried out their lighthouse approach. The session will cater specifically to the stakeholders involved in district-level social and affordable housing renovation: the housing providers and municipalities, but also the technology or service providers (SMEs) as well as funding organisations.

You will be able to join the Bootcamp live in Vienna or online.
Find the full programme and register here.