Project details



ENergy aware BIM Cloud Platform in a COst-effective Building REnovation Context

Start date: 01.01.2019

Duration: 42 months

Coordinator: ATB Institute for Applied Systems Technology Bremen

Budget: 5.56 M€


The main objective of ENCORE is to increase the share of renovated stock in Europe and worldwide by providing effective and affordable BIM tools that cover the whole renovation life-cycle (from data collection to project execution, and commissioning / delivery). The project tackles energy efficiency and comfort parameters, involving all the actors in the process (architecture studios, designers, constructors, tenants or public administration), and facilitating information exchange among all the parties. To achieve this objective, ENCORE project will create a system that integrates services for data acquisition from the buildings like Static LiDAR setups and LiDAR or photgrammetry equipment embarked in UAVs. It will also involve dwellers in the process by providing them with mobile tools to capture images or other in-doors information. It also provides support to architects and designers in the creation of the 3D models from the acquired data, automatically identifying and classifying the constructive elements, and allowing them to complete the model with existing BIM resources. They will be able to modify the model, presenting the energy efficiency gains of different renovation alternatives, including the impact in the overall budget. ENCORE project will also provide mechanisms for the dwellers or owners to validate the project, either on-site with Augmented / Mixed Reality solutions, or on-line. Once the project is validated, it will automatically generate the work planning for the construction works, and once finalized, it will provide continuous monitoring of the energy consumption to ensure non-degratdation of the renovation works. The ENCORE technology will be validated in experimental facilities consisting of a baseline building and an experimental building that can be modified to measure the energy efficiency of the modification. Additionally, the pilot user owns several social buildings to renovate, where ENCORE can be validated in real life conditions.

List of achievements

Public Deliverables available here.

Other publications here.


Contact person: Sebastian Scholze
Address: ATB Institute for Applied Systems Technology Bremen

