Project details



Expert support to Implementation Working Group 5 of the SET Plan - Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Start date: 01.09.2022

Duration: 36 months

Coordinator: EUREC

Budget: 0.6 M€


IWG5’s brief is to deliver the Implementation Plan on energy-efficient solutions for buildings, requiring Member States to put in place measures favouring both innovation in building design and energy technologies for buildings, and the uptake of these technologies by builders.

EURAC will offer scientific support establish the performance of eco-building technologies today and assist the IWG5 in setting realistic but ambitious performance targets, then monitoring progress towards them. WIP will organise study tours to buildings that set the standard in eco-renovation or construction. These will be opportunities for IWG5 members to meet the actors responsible and the people who live in or near them to collect their views.

ECTP and EUREC will focus on informing IWG5 of the latest thinking around eco-buildings coming from lobbies (NGOs, associations, public authorities, leaders of initiatives like the Mission for 100 Climate-neutral Cities by 2030) and building bridges to the thinkers in those lobbies. Digitisation is a major theme coming in the new proposed EPBD. The project consortium will align the EPBD’s innovation-related comitology committees with IWG5.

Fed with ideas, quantitative analysis and with white papers produced by Task Forces tackling specific innovation-related topics, the IWG5 will update its Implementation Plan. A new release will come every year and be given lots of publicity. The IWG5 members will be invited to promote it within their ministries, in order to deliver it with appropriate national policies.

IWG5-CSA will play close attention to the revision of National Energy and Climate Plans in 2023 (a joint activity with ETIPs) and, depending on the final legislated EPBD, National Building Renovation Plans in 2024. These plans are where Member States lay out the policies to reach their targets. The project will work for take-up by countries of each other’s good ideas.

List of achievements

Access the project reports here.


Contact person: Greg Arrowsmith / Project coordinator
Address: EUREC

