![ICT Roadmap and Data Interoperability for Energy Systems in Smart Cities ICT Roadmap and Data Interoperability for Energy Systems in Smart Cities](/fileadmin/user_upload/ready4smartcities_logo_resized.png)
ICT Roadmap and Data Interoperability for Energy Systems in Smart Cities
Start date: 01.10.2013
Duration: 24 months
Budget: 1.36 M€
The READY4SmartCities project, ICT Roadmap and Data Interoperability for Energy System in Smart Cities, intended to increase awareness and interoperability for the adoption of ICT and semantic technologies in energy systems to obtain a reduction of energy consumption and CO2 emissions at smart city communities’ level relying on ICT-based RTD and innovation needs and solutions.
The key objectives of the READY4SmartCities project, as a Coordination and Support Action (CSA), were to:
1) Investigate and identify energy-related vocabularies and ontologies towards dynamic and interoperable Energy Management Systems that deal with different Smart City aspects;
2) Elaborate a clear set of requirements and guidelines that facilitate the Smart City community generating, publishing and exploiting their datasets;
3) Support energy data interchange among the Smart City communities (companies, cities, individuals, etc.) through various European-scale actions towards spanning research, innovation, standards-setting and deployment in Smart Cities;
4) Elaborate a clear vision and produce the corresponding roadmap for the development of ICT for energy systems at the city scale;
5) Ensure awareness towards a community of experts via dedicated workshops (VoCamp, Summer School, etc.) in strong collaboration with the eeSemantic initiative.
List of achievements
With this background, a backbone of a total of 70 ontologies and 18 datasets were certified, and a set of tools such as the online catalogues and alignment server and reference documents such as guidelines for generating, publishing and exploiting Linked Energy Data were released and made available by READY4SmartCities project partners for a free usage in supporting open linked data and interoperability for efficient energy systems in smart cities.
Furthermore, the innovation and research roadmap was released, consisting of four main domain area subroadmaps and one integrating section related to energy data and its usage. The significant domain areas investigated by READY4SmartCities project were: citizens, building sector, energy sector and municipality level. Each road map section introduced relevant drivers, needs and requirements, visions, barriers, expected impacts and key stakeholders. Each sector had its own RTD and innovation focus topics, with the description of the general background, state of the art, and suggested RTD and innovation needs identified in the short, medium and long term.
The repeating theme throughout the roadmap was a strong need for broad collaboration, communication and interoperability within various stakeholder networks. This requires standardisation (of data models, data exchange and communication, as well as interfaces and systems themselves) to enable cross-organisational operation.
Contact person: Andrea Cavallaro
READY4SmartCities Executive Summary
READY4SmartCities Final Report
D2.3 Ontologies and datasets for Energy Management system interoperability v2
D3.3 Ontologies and datasets for Energy Measurement and Validation interoperability v2
D5.5 Impact assessment