New high-performance and long-lasting ballast for sustainable railway infrastructures
Start date: 01.06.2016
Duration: 42 months
Coordinator: COMSA
Budget: 2.27 M€
NEOBALLAST is an innovative high-performance, long-lasting and eco-friendly ballast aggregate solution designed to overcome the two most important shortcomings of railway tracks: track degradation and noise and vibration emissions, whilst improving safety and customer service.
In order to take this mature and proven technology, NEOBALLAST project joins industry partners from different sectors, covering the whole value-chain of NEOBALLAST, into a well-balanced and multidisciplinary team. The project has a business-driven approach, where actions are devised to solve those barriers that may difficult NEOBALLAST quick and extensive market up-take. In this sense, the main steps to attain a successful and effective market uptake are the development of a large-scale production technology to meet expected market demands, the demonstration and validation of NEOBALLAST in real working environment, an effective dissemination across Expert Panel groups to achieve a wide deployment and finally the IPR management, exploitation and commercialization of NEOBALLAST through the creation of a NEWCO constituted by all the project parents.
List of achievements
Access the project results on CORDIS website: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/720491/results
Contact person: Miquel Morata
Address: COMSA
email: miquel.morata@comsa.com