Project details



New µ-CHP network technologies for energy efficient and sustainable districts

Start date: 01.09.2010

Duration: 48 months

Coordinator: Mostotal Warszawa

Budget: 11.8 M€


FC-DISTRICT system optimizes and implements an innovative energy production and distribution concept for sustainable and energy efficient districts. By exploiting decentralized co-generation coupled with optimized building and district heat storage and distribution network significant reduction in annual primary energy consumption at district level is achieved. The system introduces a new paradigm in energy efficiency by integrating newly developed systems, products and methodologies specifically intended for use at district level.

The main principle of FC-DISTRICT system is dynamic heat exchange between the building(s), the distribution system and the customer. Four building types of different energy demand profiles have been considered: block of flats, single family houses, office buildings and hotels. In this concept buildings are fitted with μ-CHP Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs), for energy production collaborating with improved thermal storage and insulation building systems. Piping and district heating networks with or without a heat buffer are optimized and new suitable business and service models are created to suit considered cases. Advanced insulation materials are implemented for improvement of building and pipe thermal responses. All this actions lead to achieve energy balance at district level. Moreover, the new SOFC units are tested to be fed with mixture of natural gas and biogas.

FC-DISTRICT developed also a product allowing more effective biofuels production triggered by automated food waste collection. New products were developed to make feasible implementation of FCDISTRICT system:

  • Solid Oxide Fuel Cell μ-CHP unit (SOFC Unit),
  • District heating pipe with improved insulation,
  • Food waste collection tank,
  • Wireless/hybrid communication network,
  • Efficient external thermal insulation system. 

List of achievements

Link to the FC-DISTRICT project video can be found here.

The project results are available on CORDIS website.


Contact person: Juliusz Żach
Address: Mostotal Warszawa S.A.
Tel: +48 22 548 56 25

