Project details



Novel business model generator for energy efficiency in construction and retrofitting

Start date: 01.10.2012

Duration: 36 months

Coordinator: Javier del Pozo

Budget: 4.5 M€


Novel business model generator for energy efficiency in construction and retrofitting

NewBEE has developed an innovative methodology and a web-based ICT platform to support energy efficient retrofitting projects by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The project’s new ICT tool will ease each step in retrofitting initiatives from comparing technologies to launching calls for tenders and awarding contracts.

New energy performance-based business models can increase the adoption of efficient solutions through cooperation between construction companies and SMEs specialised in retrofitting, energy service companies (ESCOs), public and private building owners, local administrations and financial institutions. In the construction sector, the successful implementation of these models depends on the entire value chain. In this context, the main innovative aspect of NEWBEE is the integration of all actors thanks to suitable methodologies for the new energy efficiency paradigm, supported by a set of web-based ICT tools. This will enable SMEs to compete with large contractors.

The NEWBEE platform includes a knowledge repository that provides building owners with information about the different retrofitting technologies and SMEs with competitive knowledge; a pre-assessment and a financial tool which helps building owners to evaluate the different technologies available in light of the specific problem they are facing and their financial constraints; a ‘marketplace tool’ enabling building owners to identify and launch calls for proposals and SMEs to find retrofitting opportunities; an energy performance assessment tool for SMEs offering a detailed assessment of the technologies and their cost for a particular problem; and a business model assessment tool that supports SMEs in improving their business strategy by allowing them to search for ideas and good business concepts and guiding them step by step.

List of achievements

The NewBEE project results video can be found here

NewBEE Exploitable Results:

1. Integrated NewBEE Retrofitting Platform - Online ICT Platform that provides several services to building owners and SMEs (companies in the construction and retrofitting value chain).

2. Consultancy based on NewBEE Methodology - SMEs will use the knowledge acquired to help their clients (building owners) in the creation of retrofitting projects. RTDs and associations of SMEs (IFA and SGG) will use the knowledge acquired to offer consultancy services based on the NewBEE Methodology to their customers (SMEs).

3. NewBEE Knowledge Repository - Online accessible country/region specific repository with information on refurbishment technologies, evaluated energy saving schemes, financial models and business models.

4. Pre-assessment tool - Online tool that will be used by the building owner for the purpose of investigating different technology scenarios that might be appropriate to address the building problem at hand (taking into account e.g. building characteristics, local climatic conditions etc.) and for getting an estimation of the costs, the payback period, the return on investment, together with the list of possible (co)financing.

5. Market Place tool - Online tool that will be used by the building owner to publish a call for proposals for a building retrofitting project, which (call) becomes a Business Opportunity for the SME Market Place's members. It will be also used by SME's members to find other partner SMEs which are suitable and willing to join a Business Opportunity initiated by the building owner (i.e. launching of an energy retrofitting project) with a precisely defined collaboration goals and conditions. The search is done based on several criteria, such as the potential members' expertise, resources, location, etc.

6. Energy Performance Assessment tool - Online tool that will be used by SMEs to compute the energy consumption of the building applying simulation tools such as e.g. calculation method, based on the simple single zone steady-state thermal analysis, taking into account previously identified building types' characteristics and different region/country specifics. It is intended to be used by SMEs to offer professional support for building owners in decision making.


Contact person: Javier del Pozo
Address: Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation
Tel: +34 664 105 383

