Renewable Energy System for Residential Building Heating and Electricity Production
Start date: 01.12.2020
Duration: 48 months
Coordinator: Cracow University of Technology
Budget: 2.86 M€
The main goals of the RESHeat project are:
- Development and application of a new heating and domestic hot water system to cover at least 70% of the total annual energy demand for multi-family residential buildings.
- Demonstrate the real performance (including economic efficiency) of innovative, renewable and energy efficient heating, cooling and domestic hot water solutions in multi-family residential buildings and provide end-user information on the overall performance of the system.
- Demonstration of system scalability for different types of multi-family residential buildings.
- Economic efficiency assessment, life cycle analysis and environmental impact assessment of RESHeat systems.
The RESHeat system will be developed and optimized in such a way as to reduce its production costs and adapt it to residential buildings. It is planned to build three demonstration installations, in Limanowa, Kraków and in the suburbs of Rome, for multi-family buildings with 7, 14 and 20 apartments, respectively. In addition, the system will be modified so that it works efficiently also for cooling production, which will be shown by tests in Italy. The main goal of the project is to prepare the RESHeat system for commercialization. The team from the Cracow University of Technology is responsible for coordinating the entire project and optimizing the system so that it achieves high energy efficiency at the lowest possible production costs.
List of achievements
Access the project results here.
Contact person: Paweł Ocłoń
Address: Cracow University of Technology
email: pawel.oclon@pk.edu.pl
In progress