![Revolutionary energy storage cycle with carbon free aluminium Revolutionary energy storage cycle with carbon free aluminium](/fileadmin/user_upload/REVEAL.png)
Start date: 01.07.2022
Duration: 48 months
Coordinator: IceTec
Budget: 2.5 M€
REVEAL is a research project supported by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe programme for Research and Innovation (call HORIZON-CL5-2021-D2-01, project number No. 101069492) and by Swiss funding from the SBFI with a duration of 48 months. The project consortium consists of 9 partners from 7 European countries.
The REVEAL project develops a game-changing and unique solution, using the conversion of aluminium oxide into aluminium metal (Power-to-Al) in an environmentally friendly way to store renewable energy and produce a "renewable fuel" in the form of aluminium.
In this project, new technologies that can produce aluminium from aluminium oxide without carbon dioxide emissions are developed for storing renewable electricity. Furthermore, technologies for the production of heat and electricity from this stored energy are developed, which corresponds to the discharging of the storage. An important goal of the project is to close the material cycle. Thus, aluminium that is introduced into the storage concept can cycle between the charging and discharging processes many times and ideally will never have to be replaced by new aluminium. This ground-breaking technical solution will enable to store large amounts of energy with an unmatched energy storage density at an attractively low cost, without losses and with lower environmental impact than today's solutions. This breakthrough high-density storage solution will enable to cover energy demands flexibly also in small units and off-grid situations, and – above all – in seasons where the demand is much higher than local renewable production could possibly cover. Therefore, with the emerging technology of carbon free reduction of aluminium oxide to aluminium in combination with the release of energy from an aluminium storage vector this project will provide one of the missing pieces of the puzzle for a climate neutral Europe.
List of achievements
Project publications available here.
Contact person: Páll Árnason, project coordinator
Address: IceTec, Iceland
email: info@reveal-storage.eu