Start date: 01.07.2019
Duration: 36 months
Coordinator: Eurac Research
Budget: 1.49 M€
The perception of risk surrounding building renovation operations is an important driver in most of the energy efficiency related financing operations. However, investment decisions in building renovation are still largely based on empirical methods which rely solely on company business specific experiences.
The investment market is calling for solid knowledge-based evaluation methods to perform technical/ financial due-diligence and evaluate financial operations related to energy-efficient buildings. The main objective of EENVEST is to secure investorsĀ“ trust in energy efficiency actions for existing buildings, through the development of a combined technical-financial risk evaluation framework focused on the renovation of commercial buildings. In particular, objective 1 is the development of a comprehensive technical risk evaluation framework for evaluating risks in energy efficient renovation of buildings. Objective 2 is technical and financial risk assessment for boosting reliable energy efficiency investments focusing on commercial office buildings renovation.
List of achievements
The EEnvest technical financial due-diligence method will be applied to two demo-case buildings, located in Italy and Spain.
Contact person: Cristian Pozza
Address: Eurac Research, Viale Druso 1, Bolzano (Italy)
email: cristian.pozza@eurac.edu